Greetings and welcome,
My name is Wes Taimuty, and thank you kindly for getting this far into my website.
I have a great passion for many things, most notably history, science fiction, and engineering. I’ve spent a good portion of my young life learning how to bring these topics to life. In recent years, I discovered that 3D modelling and fabrication can do this in a way no other medium can.
There are several methods I try to use to bring these topics to life in my own way. To help keep the memories of the past alive, on top of 3D modeling historical objects, I’ve created a web series using graphics to talk about history. Topics include both actual history and alternative history (events that could have happened but never did). For science fiction, I’ve started creating my own story, taking several writing classes, and developing a fairly extensive manuscript. By using 3D modeling and fabrication, I’ve started to bring the story to life through stop motion animation. Lastly, for engineering, I’ve learned new software and tools needed to model and fabricate objects with more precision than most standard modelling programs can. These projects may be related to my love of history/science fiction, or they may be just to see how far I can push the programs. Either way, I take great pride in all my work, and I honestly believe in the old adage that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing right.
If this is your first stop on my site, feel free to go through my work and resume. If this is your final stop, I appreciate you taking the time to swing by. Either way, don’t feel shy to contact me with any questions or comments.
With all that said, so long and farewell.